Introduction to the Legionella and Logbook Awareness Course
This course is designed for attendees who work in environments where Legionella growth is a risk. This course covers the health effects of Legionnaires disease, the control measures that should be in place to prevent it as well as the consequences for not complying with relevant Legislation and codes of practice.
Who should attend:
As per National Guidelines for the Control of Legionellosis in Ireland
“It is highly desirable that all staff working in the higher risk locations as hospitals, Nursing Homes, Long-stay Care facilities, Hotels, etc. have an awareness of the Legionella hazards associated with their work environment and knowledge of appropriate control measures."
Persons responsible for Legionella control in a building.
Location and Duration:
Millmount Maintenance Facility
Duration: 1 Day
Room in above picture also available for rentals
Course Requirements:
Knowledge of Hot & Cold water system would be advisable but not necessary. Also attendees must be familiar with the Millmount Logbook.
Course Aims:
This course aims to raise awareness and provide procedures in order to prevent waterborne disease caused by Legionella.
Course Objectives:
• Provide a basic knowledge of the source, means of transmission and symptoms of Legionellosis
• Be aware of the safety, health and welfare at work statutory provisions relating to Legionella
• Be able to identify and assess sources at risk
• Have the ability to make suitable and appropriate recommendations on how Legionella risk can be managed
• Be able to monitor the effect of any control measures implemented or to identify the appropriate outside expertise when necessary
• Be able to maintain records of all risk assessments, control plans, monitoring, review and all other activities associated with Legionella control.
More Information:
Contact: susan@mmsl.ie